Tymor y Hydref/ Autumn Term 2022
Cwricwlwm i Gymru/ Curriculum for Wales
The Curriculum at Ysgol Mynydd Isa
September 2023– Information for Parents
Curriculum Vision
The curriculum is at the heart of a school’s purpose and our curriculum at Ysgol Mynydd Isa reflects our core values:
Moving Forward with Respect, whilst Caring, being Happy and Together.
Moving Forward - encouraging resilience through challenge
Respect - Valuing self, others and the community
Caring - Nurturing self-esteem in a safe environment
Happy - Taking on every challenge with a smile
Together - Supporting all in an inclusive learning community
At Ysgol Mynydd Isa we use a thematic approach with an emphasis on cross curricular links. This enables our children to apply their literacy, numeracy and digital skills, extending their
vocabulary, knowledge and understanding, in a range of contexts.
Our curriculum is designed to ensure a child’s development across the Four Purposes: Ambitious,
capable learners; Ethical, informed citizens; Healthy, confident individuals and Enterprising, creative
Across all Areas of Learning and Experience (AoLEs),the application of numeracy, literacy and digital competency is robustly planned for. Teachers plan and deliver learning objectives pitched appropriately to the learners needs. Lessons have success criteriato ensure the learners are aware of the particular skills they are looking to develop within that lesson.
In addition to literacy, numeracy and digital competence, teachers plan for opportunities to address
relationships and sexuality education in line with the new CfW. Our curriculum addresses negative
stereotyping through investigating similarities and differences, and promoting acceptance, diversity,
citizenship and human rights.
The cultural and historical importance of our location in Walesis reflected in our curriculum. Learning across
the AoLEs develops and celebrates the pupils’ and staff’s Welsh language skills, and there are daily
opportunties to reinforce these through incidental Welsh around the school.
Our curriculum vision is embedded within our Non-negotiables. These are an agreed set
of skills, knowledge and experiences that we believe all children should have when they leave our school at the end of Year 6.
Progression within our Curriculum
In order to ensure that the skills and knowledge taught build sequentially with logical planned
progression,staff will work cross phase using a small steps mastery approach to pinpoint progression within the descriptions of learning at each Progression step of each AoLE. This work will start in the Summer Term 2022 and continue into the next academic year.
Assessment within our Curriculum
‘Assessment is an integral part ofthe learning process, with practitioners working with learners to help identify their strengths, areas for development and next steps in learning.’
Teachers set targets alongside pupils. These targets enable pupils to understand their next steps, and enable them to recognise what and when they are achieving well. Older pupils have specific Target
Time each week. This enables them to focus on their next steps in learning.
Pupil Progress Meetings between theSenior Management Team and teaching staff take place three
times a year. This allows discussion of each pupils’ general development including their health and
well-being. Targeted support for individual pupils is discussed and agreed.
Standardised Tests in Spelling, Reading and Maths are used to further support our understanding of
individual pupils’ progression and needs.
Pupil Voice in our Curriculum
At Ysgol Mynydd Isa, we ensure Pupil Voice is meaningful and valued. Pupil School councilors, Eco-councillors, Digital wizards and members of the Criw
Cymraeg share and make descisions that direct our curriculum and learning.
All pupils have an input atthe start of topics to ensure the teaching and learning reflects their interests
and needs.