Empowering Parents, Empowering Communities (EPEC)
EPEC Parent Group Leader information
Exciting Opportunity-EPEC Parent Group Leaders
Would you like to help support and empower other parents?
Empowering Parents, Empowering Communities is an evidence based, hugely successful Parenting Programme and it’s now coming to Flintshire and piloting in the Buckley and Mynydd Isa consortium of schools! We are looking to recruit parents to come on board the training and train to become a Parent Group Leader (PGL). To be a PGL all we ask is that you are committed, have a passion to help others, be keen to learn, have an open mind and above all have lots of enthusiasm!
Lunch will be provided and a free crèche for childcare. At the end of the 10 weeks training you will be a certified EPEC Parent Group Leader and ready to train other parents from the Buckley and Mynydd Isa consortium of schools.
Applicants will need to engage in an informal interview before having a place confirmed on the training. Application forms and enquiries are to be sent to Flintshire.EPEC@flintshire.gov.uk
EPEC Parent Course Information
Empowering Parents Empowering Communities (EPEC)
Upcoming Virtual Parent Group Courses-Free
Being a parent can be hard and with the events of the past year this has led to many parents feeling isolated and noticing a change in their children’s behaviour. A new project has recently been launched in Buckley/Mynydd Isa to help support parents with practical support for the day to day challenges of being a parent and an opportunity to meet others who may be going through similar experiences.
You may remember some time ago we advertised for parent volunteers to train as parent group leaders for an exciting new project coming to the Mynydd Isa and Buckley group of primary schools.
Five parents have now completed their EPEC training and are fully accredited to the evidence based parenting programme and are running courses in the community. The courses commenced after February half term (2021) for the group of schools, and have been a great success!
Interested or want to find out more? Why not give Emma a call on 07584 533111 for an informal chat, or email flintshire.epec@flintshire.gov.uk or contact school for further information.