Digital Citizenship

Digital Citizenship (also known as online safety) has always been a key part of our curriculum in school.  Over the past couple of years digital citizenship has become even more important due to isolation and home learning. Our pupils are spending increasing amounts of time on various online platforms and devices. Please scroll down below to see a range of videos and information which you can share with your child at home to help them ‘Stay Safe’ whilst online.

Safer Internet Day 2023

The theme for 2023 is 'Want to talk about it? Making space for conversations about life online'. Our pupils across the whole school are enjoying taking part in a range of activities to help them stay safe whilst online and allowing them opportunities to talk about their experiences. 

Please click on the link below to access 'Tips for encouraging open discussions about digital lives' from National Online Safety.

 Scroll further down this page for more resources and information relating to digital citizenship.

Safer Internet Day 2022

Children across the whole school are enjoying taking part in a range of activities to help them stay safe whilst online. 

Please click on the links below to access a 'How to guide' to set up parental controls on Android and Apple to help keep our children safe at home. 


We live in an ever increasing digital world, especially with the current situation. Our children are becoming experts in using digital technology and using a range of resources on the internet to research new topics. However, as adults we realise that not everything we find on the internet is reliable! Anyone can create a website. Please see below for links to videos to share with your children to highlight reliability of information. Always think - is it true?

Foundation Phase - PenguinPig story
See Class Dojo for story

Key Stage 2 - Join the Smart Crew on their adventure

Sharing Images 

‘A Guide to Sharing Images – Primary aged Children’ has been produced by ThinkUKnow for parents and carers. It explores why children like to share images, the risks and what you can do as a parent or carer. Please click on this link to watch -

After watching you might like to complete the following short activities with your child/ren.

Nursery & Reception -

Year 1 & 2 -

Years 3-6 -